July 30, 2024 - Pro Football Hall of Fame
September 4, 2024 - Billings, Montana

Check back soon for sign-up links!
A breakfast for approximately 1,000 people is usually held on a Tuesday or Wednesday morning. The audience is generally men ages 25 and up, although women are certainly welcome to attend. Those under 25 are certainly welcome to attend as well, but we believe Coach Joe Gibb’s message best speaks to a male audience that is 25 years of age or older. In addition, one of the most important aspects of his outreach breakfast is that we seek to have 80% non-believers to be in attendance.
Coach Joe Gibbs would like to share his testimony and lead people back to the Bible for their Game Plan for Life. Coach released his New York Times Best Seller, Game Plan for Life, in the summer of 2009 and as part of the corresponding ministry he now seeks to reach as many people as he can with its message. Coach assembled an amazing team of eleven experts to assist in writing Game Plan for Life. The book responds to the issues revealed by a national survey to be the most pressing in men’s lives. The results are a modern day Game Plan for a successful life based on God’s Word.

We have found that relational ministry is the most effective way for Coach Joe Gibbs to reach his intended audience. This has provided two key elements that we feel lead to having a powerful impact at this breakfast and beyond:
Ensuring the audience is 80% non-believers with the other 20% being believers who invited the non-believers and are equipped to follow-up with them.
Providing a system of follow-up with the guests that were invited.
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For more information about hosting a Game Plan for Life Breakfast contact:
Jan Bostick
Executive Director of Game Plan for Life